
Wednesday 5 June 2019

Why Should Teachers Get a Pay Rise?

Should Teachers Have a Pay Rise?

Why Should Teachers Have a Pay Rise?
I firmly believe teachers should get a pay rise.
The government as we know has been dodging this vital situation for a while,
and seemed to have no problem ignoring it.
Teachers have been on strike twice this year due to their pay.
The most recent, Wednesday 30 of May, was more colossal and intense,
rather than the other times they’ve been on strike.

My very first reason to why teachers should have a pay rise,
is due to their work load.
The effort teachers include in their work is impeccable.
Could you manage?  
They set tests, assesments, work and more daily.
How do they keep up? It’s almost impossible,
and the amount of pay they get is merely enough.

Secondly, have you noticed they basically play in two lives.
Their teaching life, and an ordinary, everyday life with family.
They take their time from when they’re on holiday,
or on release to build more work for the students education.
Teachers include many, many effort, and at times wonder if it’s worth it.
Does this in anyway make you wonder if they should have a pay rise?
Frankly, I’m very thankful.

Us students look at the teacher as an ordinary person,
that forces knowledge into our brains everyday.
What about them? Students cause them to stress daily!
And put more and more pressure on their shoulders.
We need to comfort them, relax their ears from your voices.
To calm their minds with more students which pay attention.
After this teacher, there will be no teacher.
Who will then teach us about education?
And it’s all our fault.

In conclusion, I encourage all students, teachers,
parents and guardians to help inform the government,
and persuade them for teachers to get a new pay rise.
The question is not,
“What can the government do about this?”  but,
“How can the government advance this strong impact going on in Auckland New Zealand?”
Without teachers, the next generation would become completely mindless,
having no knowledge.
How would you want your child to grow up? Living on the streets?
Don’t help because of the teachers, help for your children, the future. Thank you.


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