
Monday 1 July 2019

Pollination 300419

Here, I have a project multiple students put togather,
based on pollination.
It explains the definition, explains how,
the four steps,
process and different types of pollination:

Date: Thursday 30 May 2019
Title: Pollination
Name: Jasmine, Sarone, Tama, Lj, Sale

Sarone- What is pollination
Lj- How pollination works
Sale - The four steps of pollination
Tama-What is the process of pollination
Jasmine- Different types of pollination

Sarone: What is Pollination?
What is pollination,
pollination is the act of moving the pollen grains,
from the male to anther of a flower to the female stigma.
The goal of every living organism, including plants,
is to create offspring for the next generation.
One of the ways that plants can produce offspring
is by making seeds.

Sale: How pollination works:
Plants have men parts called stamens that produce
a sticky powder called pollen. Plants also have
beautiful lady parts called the pistil.
To be pollinated, pollen must be moved
from a stamen to the stigma.
When pollen from a plant's stamen is transferred,
to that same plants stigma it’s called self pollination.

LJ: The 5 Steps of Pollination
Pollination In general, a man gametes are contained
in the pollen, which is carried by the wind, water,
or wildlife both insects and animals,
to reach women gametes. The body part is the stigma 
mend that the male body part is the stamens.  

Tama: What is the Process of pollination?
Pollination is the process by which pollen is transferred
to the female reproductive organs of a plant,
thereby enabling fertilization to take place.
The plant pollination process describes the vital
method of sexual reproduction in plants.
It enables a plant to bear fruit and seeds,
many of which are not only eaten by humans,
but also by other living species from birds
to mammals. Birds and mammals may then
distribute those seeds to new geographical
locations through their droppings. 

Jasmine: The different types of pollination:
There are different varieties of pollination,
which includes the two main pollination sets.
The first, is self pollination, secondly,  is cross pollination.
Cross pollination would also interact with another flower,
or include a flower whilst it would take place when pollen grains fall directly onto the stigma.


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